The Victorian Mystic Oracle Card Readings

Oracle cards serve as the gateways to accessing our deepest thoughts and insights, acting as conduits for the Universe, for God to convey messages that might otherwise elude our perception.

They transcend temporal constraints, serving as a timeless method of communication.

Within each of us lie untapped abilities enabling connections with frequencies beyond our full understanding.

With years of dedicated study and unwavering trust, The Victorian Mystic extends an invitation to utilize this key, unlocking the answers to your most profound questions.

Discover more about our Oracle Reading by clicking on the image below. 

Celebrating the Season of Rest: Embracing the Wisdom of Fall and Winter

 In my present introspective state, I shared these musings with a confidant yesterday.

Until this recent time, I gazed upon the transition from autumn to winter as a season steeped in despondency.

The diminishing of the light held foreboding for me – I, who cherishes the sun's touch and the outdoor world, saw this time of year as a harbinger of the abyss.

Flowers wilt, leaves fall, and all things culminate in finality.

But, could this be entirely true?

As time's silent footsteps have passed, I regard this season as profoundly significant for the well-being of one's spirit and body. Given that my pursuits often intertwine with the world outdoors, the colder weather and the shortened daylight hours urge me to pause, rest, convalesce, and regain my strength.

It is a time for celebration, for reflecting upon the wisdom gleaned, and for expressing

gratitude for life's myriad blessings.

It is an occasion to honor the past, embrace the present, and await the future with open arms.

It is a season to nourish one's soul and body, recognizing all that has been accomplished, learned, and experienced.

It is also a time to lift the spirits of one's companions, dear friends. To visit with our spiritual guides, and to connect with the higher self. –

To convey heartfelt thanks, for one's journey is not a solitary endeavor.

As you embark on this season of repose, what shall you celebrate?

What seeds shall you sow, anticipating the return of spring?

What shall you bring into existence as the light rekindles its glorious presence?

Have You Ever

 Have you ever felt like there's something you've always wanted to do, but you've been too afraid to try? I certainly have. As long as I can remember, I've had a deep desire to be a writer. When I was four or five years old, I remember lying in the grass on a warm summer day, filling the pages of my three-ring binder with my glorious thoughts. The funny thing is, I didn't even know how to write yet! But that didn't stop me. I scribbled along, knowing deep down I AM a writer.

Unfortunately, I spent most of my life held back by my self-doubt and insecurities. I convinced myself I wasn't good enough, or that I didn't have what it takes to succeed. Even when I started writing, I struggled with the fear that if my writing wasn't perfect, it wasn't worth sharing with the world.

Recently, something shifted inside me. I turned 60 a few days ago. For the first time in my life, I didn't look back on the passing of years and lament all I hadn't done. Instead, I felt an urgency. There are 40 years ahead of me to create the life I've always wanted.  I will not waste any more time waiting for someone else to give me permission to pursue my dreams.

That's why I've embraced imperfection and go for it. I know I don't have all the answers or all the skills I need to succeed as a writer. But that's okay. I'm taking the messy, imperfect path of learning. I know that's the only way to create a different life.

It's not easy, of course. There are still moments when the old familiar doubts start creeping in. But I'm learning to quiet the inner critic and just keep going. I   WILL make mistakes along the way, but I also know each mistake is an opportunity to learn and get better.

So today, I challenge you to think about something you've always wanted to do, but you've been too afraid to try. Maybe it's writing, like me, or maybe it's something completely different. Whatever it is, take one small step towards making it happen. You don't have to be perfect, you just have to start.

If you're inspired, I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments below. Let me know what you're working on, and how you're embracing imperfection in pursuit of your dreams. Because at the end of the day, we're all in this together. And together, we WILL do amazing things.

Celebrate the Season: Welcome Autumn

I could not have planned a more perfect morning if I had ordered it from God himself. I woke to a house to myself, serene. Except of course for Loki nudging me awake to feed him. 

Outside my bedroom window little finches flitted in and out, among the Black Eyed Susans. The shenanigans of a beautiful magpie caught my eye. Doing God knows what they are magpie's after all. Peeking around the corner of the house was a fawn. His mule like ears twitching side to side. His two siblings soon followed Mom. The older brother sporting his first year antlers in soft velvet brought up the rear.

The resident bunny living under our shed greeted the deer as they made their way down the alley. I live in a city of over 600,000 people. Having Snow White's cast of character in my backyard was like living in a fairy tale.

Most of my life I resented the approach of autumn. It signified the end of summer, opportunity to be outside, to get my hands dirty, to replenish my soul.

There is no question 2020 is a challenging year. We found ourselves in a "battle" against a disease we did not and still do not quite understand. We isolated to protect the vulnerable and ourselves.

We need to disconnect from the daily bombardment of negativity to allow our soul to rest. One way is to sit in the outdoors' quiet witnessing the change of seasons.

Our ancestors celebrated a year of fruitful harvest. We need to celebrate all we received, all we experienced. This year, we may need to look harder, but we all have something to celebrate.

After an amazing beginning of the year, my sales came to an abrupt end. I could have wallered in self pity, and I did for a short time. But what does that accomplish?

For years I wanted a wildflower garden, and now I had the time to dedicate to it. After months of working on my hands and knees, butterflies, bees and birds fill my yard. This I celebrate.

Trees burst forth in stunning oranges, fiery reds and golden yellows. Falling leaves are God's confetti, celebrating everything we accomplished this year. Have you noticed the sunlight is a different hue?

Instead of dreading the approaching winter, welcome the shorter days of winter. This is the season we go within to rest and replenish. To gather around the hearth with friends and family.

A few months ago I started scripting. Scripting, in a short definition, is writing from your future self. Each night I write how the next day was a success. How everything flowed perfectly. I am re-embracing the flow I experience in my writing. If writing isn't your soul language, consider art, poetry or music. Whatever it may be, take this time, in quite, to reflect on all you have to celebrate.

If you find it difficult to do so, remember, you are breathing; you can look up at the sky and be alive. We all have so much to be thankful for and once we begin a practice of gratitude, we will have more and more to be grateful for.

I will celebrate the change of the season by decorating with our fall decorations. Our tiny little rogue pumpkins are on our tv.

I created a simple journal for you to collect ideas and reflect on this year's plenty.

We are the manifesters of our lives. We must be mindful of what we expose ourselves to. We need to concentrate our energy on what brings us joy. If it's sitting outside and watching the birds or the sunrise or sunset, then make time to do it.

We are the caretakers of our homes and families, and we must protect our energy and the energy of our household. A home flowing with positive energy is vital not only for your family's health but yours as well. As the days become shorter and we are in dark sooner, what kind of light can you bring into your home?

What can we do together to bring a little light in the world? They say when women gather, magic happens. Lets create some magic, shall we?

Please share your thoughts and ideas in the comments. If you want to work together with an amazing group of people, then join our Facebook group.


Take A Step Back In Time At Blanches Place

Participating in historical reenactments allows you to experience the fashions and etiquette of a time long ago or, in some cases, not so long ago. When a man tipped his hat, or a lady allowed a man to hold a door.  The world, if even in our imagination, was a  kinder and gentler place.

Before CoVid19, we rushed from one obligation to the next. In this continuing mad rushing about, did we forget what it felt like to surround ourselves with the elegance and romance we so richly deserve? 

 Twenty years ago, by chance or divine intervention, I shyly entered the world of historical reenacting, where I met Blanche Burton, the namesake for Blanche's Place.

Blanche's Place began with the dream of creating more than just another website. Catering to historical reenactors, in the beginning, Blanches Place today offers beautiful vintage-inspired clothing and personalized old fashioned service. 

With many historic events postponed, business is slower. I thought it would be fun to introduce you to the vendors who supply our fantastic clothing.

Vendor Spotlight-Inga Nataya

 Inga Nataya, famous for her romantic "Titanic" inspired dresses, is one of our best-selling designers, and one of the first brands we introduced. Nataya is the definition of vintage romance.  Slipping on a Nataya creation is taking a step back in time, if only for an evening.

  Today Nataya recreates the best of the Titanic, Downton Abbey, and The Great Gatsby 1920s  vintage inspired aesthetic.

Whenever Nataya's marvelous creations are on display, a mist of wonder hangs in the air. A myriad of details sprinkle the dress, and yet it all appears airy light while blending Belle Epoch, Baroque, and oriental ornaments, what connoisseurs acclaim as "Wearable Art." From Ann Hathaway to Katie Holmes, some of the world's most discerning women have shined in Nataya. 

At an early age, Nataya showed broad artistic inclinations. At 11, she was making her first dresses from handy materials and accessories. Interiors are also an art and an inspiration to her, all carefully dotted with her paintings.

Her life began in a remote corner of the globe, in Tashkent, then the capital of the Soviet Republic of Uzbekistan. From architecture to craftsmanship, the Place was a rare fusion of the Western European, Russian, and Oriental influences.

After settling in California as a teenager and indulging in several art forms, Nataya finally found her calling by bringing art and passion to women's attire - seeking to fully unlock the glow of every woman and to make every woman exude inspiration to herself and others. Nataya, an every day Wearable Art fashion phenomenon, was born.

In recent years Nataya has been dividing her time between Paris, Rome, and Los Angeles courting the muse in the fabric of beauty of France, Italy, and California to the everyday delight of women everywhere.

Nataya designs brought romantic elegance alive for our many brides and bridal parties. Make an unforgettable impression at your next function, tea, or any occasion where you want to be that step above the ordinary.

Like Our Facebook Page to stay up to date on the latest vintage inspired fashions.

Discovering Your Inner Wisdom

Following is the first in a series of Musings devoted to the topics of interests shared by readers of Blanche's Place Newsletter. I hope you will take the time to read to the end, share your ideas and comments and join us in 

Blanche's Parlor (Facebook Group) or Join the Newsletter List.

Life moves faster today than at any time in history.  We are bombarded constantly by ugly, sad, depressing news from around the world.   Events which can affect our well being. Oftentimes, we find ourselves in the position of being powerless to change a thing.

I'm trying hard to slow down, to be mindful of the week ahead. To take precise steps forward instead of just hanging on the hope I don't fall off this roller coaster called life.

( I transgress for a moment.....I love this image! We as women need to work together to pull each other up)

I fell in love with the Victorian images in my Vintage Wisdom Deck.  In using this deck,  I am pulled into quiet solitude with the beauty of the images.

I pulled the Wisdom Card. It is interesting owls have been popping up for me lately, from hearing an owl hooting outside of my office window, to a friend in Canada walking up to an owl sitting on a fence post. Its pretty cool when you start paying attention to these little "coincidences" and wonder if there are messages being sent to you.

Athena the Greek Goddess of wisdom and the Little Owl.

Owls are viewed as powerful totems. Possessing an ability to see things others miss.

"By pulling this card you are invited to contemplate the far-ranging consequences of important decisions. Wisdom is earned through the process of trial and error, and by trusting your voice over the voice of others".

I find myself following one "expert" after another. Each one sharing the "correct" way to promote my online business. More and more I am taking the time to step back, view the tasks at hand and taking the time to create an overview of what needs to be done.

This applies to each and every one of us.  When you allow yourself to be still, you have the answers! You know what needs to be done and how to do it You just need to have faith and trust in yourself.

I'm working on a couple of projects outside of Blanche's Place, devoted to my love of history and cemeteries. I find myself  stuck in fear of making a mistake and what people would think.  I need to trust and open up to the realization that the only way to grow and make a difference is to put these ideas forth. It's scary as hell, but as the old saying goes

So if you are finding yourself in a predicament allow yourself the luxury of quieting the mind, remove yourself from the incessant noise and chatter that surrounds you. If you have a question or situation you need help with, all you need to do is "ask" and allow the message you need to hear flow through you.

For myself, the best tool is free writing. Take a notebook, journal, or whatever you prefer, write your question at the top and begin having a dialog with your inner wisdom. It may feel weird at first but keep going and be amazed at the answers that arise.

So maybe this week take a break from Facebook and put your phone away and take the time to listen to the messages waiting to be heard.

Please leave a comment or click to join

 Blanche's Parlor Facebook Group 

to continue the conversation

If you are interested I have a couple of the vintage decks still available
Send me an