Creaeting Refueling Stations for our Feather Friends

Another in a series of posts for those who want to create habitats for wild birds. It is relatively easy and inexpensive. We have been successful this year in attracting a great number of species of birds.
Susan Tweit, who inspired me to create a more natural habitat in my own yard, shares bush planting tips in her most recent article for Audubon Magazine

Turn Your Yard Into a Winter Refueling Spot for Birds

To survive freezing nights, many birds must sustain themselves with berries rich in fats and antioxidants.
By Susan J. Tweit
Published: January-February 2013
Small songbirds face big challenges in winter—most of all, keeping warm. Consider the black-capped chickadee, one of the most common North American wintering birds. These lilliputians lose heat quickly because their surface area is large for their mass; they weigh about as much as a dozen paperclips (a third of an ounce) but stretch 5.5 inches long. Meeting that challenge means ramping up the number of hours they devote to feeding and seeking out foods rich in antioxidants and fats. At night chickadees cram themselves into tiny cavities and shiver, burning the day’s fuel to keep from freezing.
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