Celebrating March

Can it be possible  tomorrow is April 1st! 

Now do you look at the date, at these first three months of 2016 and think oh my goodness, the time has flown by. I wanted to do this and that, and here I am looking at everything which didn't get done.  What little, or big project, event etc did you accomplish in March? Instead of focusing at what didn't get  checked off our ever ending to do list, let us celebrate what we did, no matter how little it may seem. After all, a journey begins with the first step, no matter how small we may think that step. I would like to encourage each and every one of you to also celebrate the end of March and all you accomplished! Each month, let us take the time to celebrate and honor who we are and what we have done and where the next month will take us.

This month I celebrate:
Creating a slide show presentation for our local DAR group on the history of Evergreen Cemetery
Set up my photography area to be able to start taking pictures of vintage clothing to place on the website
Cleaned off my end table next to my bed-need I mention a mountain of books-it was quite a chore!

So what will you celebrate for March?


Davide Di Giorgio said...

YES! Celebrating with you, Dianne.
I celebrate a month filled with beautiful connections, and new beginnings!

ladyestelle said...

I celebrated by decluttering my home and my life. As you might know, I am newly retired and plan to spend my time on my historic persona.

Dianne Hartshorn said...

Estella decluttering is a project I really need to hit head on. Not only decluttering my home but the commitments I have made. However, as historians its difficult to part with items we may be able to use in prgorams