
I'm sitting here trying to decided what to include in my blog. I viewed the most incredible blog which I will add a link to as soon as I can figure it out. But back to the main problem. What to write about. What is there that I can write about the anyone would care to read about? This has-been a concern for as long as I can remember. I have always stood on the outside, unique hobbies and interets, not really following the rest. I used to write at one time, don't know if I was ever good, but it was a place I created, a time I lived in to escape the present. This life we are on is journey. Sometimes we take the right roads and sometimes we get lost but in the process find something even better than if we had taken the right road. This is what this blog will be about. My journeys-I'm always wandering off some where, maybe not physically, but definately in my mind and my day dreams and I want to share them with you


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

Don't worry about what to write. Some of the most interesting blogs out there are the ones about those interests that make you... less than mainstream. Write about the newest discovery in your research - and the passion you have for such discoveries and you may find the words come easily when it is about something you pour your heart into in the first place.

(charlie's daughter)